Monday 9 January 2017


                               Hello there!

                Myself I am _annonymous v _

In this introductory post I will give you the basic ideas of hacking.

"HACKING" basically is a back door entrance to highly complex system of programming algorithm.
It's just like picking a lock ,now what do you need to pick a lock ? Some tools right ,, then yes it is with the case of hacking you need some programming skills.

There are three types of hackers



 They are software expert's mainly hired in a company to prevent other hacker's to run malicious script's and steal information from the company.

They mainly employ penetration test

Penetration testing concentrates on attacking software and computer systems from the start – scanning ports, examining known defects and patch installations, for example – ethical hacking may include other things. A full blown ethical hack might include emailing staff to ask for password details, rummaging through executive’s dustbins and usually breaking and entering, without the knowledge and consent of the targets. Only the owners, CEOs and Board Members (stake holders) who asked for such a security review of this magnitude are aware.

 To try to replicate some of the destructive techniques a real attack might employ, ethical hackers may arrange for cloned test systems, or organize a hack late at night while systems are less critical.

In most recent cases these hacks perpetuate for the long term con (days, if not weeks, of long term human infiltration into an organization). Some examples include leaving USB/flash key drives with hidden auto-start software in a public area, as if someone lost the small drive and an unsuspecting employee found it and took it.


 These hackers are independently working guy's mainly with an intense social responsibility and an sense of humanitarian concept's in mind , they are placed in between the white and black hat's.

A further difference among these types of hacker lies in their methods of discovering vulnerabilities. The grey hat breaks into systems and networks at the request of their employer or with explicit permission for the purpose of determining how secure it is against hackers


 These guy's are the predators in the web they hack into companies, government and other private website's and steal social security numbers.

 Black-hat hackers form the stereotypical, illegal hacking groups often portrayed in popular culture, and are "the epitome of all that the public fears in a computer criminal". - black hat hacker's break into secure networks to destroy, modify, or steal data or to make the network unusable for those who are authorized to use it which cost's loss in billions.

In my next post I would basically start with the methods of hacking one by one.

We will Never forget,we will never forgive , we are a legion,

                             EXPECT US!
                          _ANNONYM V_

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